March’s Tip

Mulligan Mechanics Part IX Mulligan Overlay Arch (Sagittal Overylay)

By Dr. Adrian J. Palencar, MUDr, MAGD, IBO, FADI, FPFA, FICD

March 2025

IAO Diplomate
68 – Tremont Drive, ST. Catharines
ON L2T 3B2, Canada

Do not memorize, understand – Dr. T. Mulligan

The author is presenting a 40-year-old Caucasian female; she had an orthodontic treatment done in her teens.  Unfortunately the case relapsed, and the patient sought orthodontic treatment again.  Due to the radiographic signs of slight root resorption, we decided to apply Mulligan Overlay Arch.

            A .016 SS sectional wire was placed in the maxillary anterior sextant, followed by a .018 SS Overlay Arch.  This arch wire is tied to the sectional wire with a .010 ligature tie between the centrals and laterals.  The Overlay Arch was activated with a 45° tip-back (off center bend, gable bend).

            After the incisors were intruded, we placed full leveling arch wire from the second bicuspid to the second bicuspid, alternatively, from the first molar to the first molar (providing the first molar band has a double tube). After the overbite was corrected, we placed brackets on the rest of the maxillary teeth.  However, the Overlay Arch was kept another three months.


  1. Mulligan T.F., Common Sense Mechanics in Everyday Orthodontics,
  2. Palencar A. J., Case finishing and Mechanics, (29)