Session I ‘Tools’: 06/07-06/09, 2024
In the first session of the Professional Advancement & Instructor Seminars (PAIS), attendees will learn how to use the tools they need to obtain their Fellowship, Diplomate, and Instructor Certification. Caseworx and Cephworx have been created to reduce attendees’ time to upload cases. Participants in PAIS will get hands-on instruction on how to set up the programs, enter case information, and incorporate visual evidence that includes patient photos, digital models, and cephs. See a sample case entered into Caseworx live. Have the opportunity to ask questions as the case is uploaded.
From the onset of PAIS, attendees will begin fine-tuning their lecture skills. Each participant will provide a short presentation so the instructors can evaluate baseline speaking skills. Every attendee will also receive valuable instruction on the proper use of PowerPoint in presentations. The instructors as they provide a hands-on lab.
Session I Take Home :
- Enter candidate case records into Caseworx
- Trace candidate case cephs in Cephworx